Do you wish your place to be super organized and clean? Are you sick and tired of mopping your hardwood floors with the same old mop? Don’t worry at all! Hardwood floor washing machine is very convenient, which comes with many features and wash your floors easily as well in a matter of seconds without all the effort.
Mopping is physically exhausting and boring, you must fill a giant bucket with water, the add soap and get down on your hands and knees to scrub! This process is long and will cause damage to your back and knees. But guess what? YEP, you will never mop hard again. Fill the Sterll pomivalni stroj za dom with water and soap, set it into motion and just let it do all of that nasty cleaning work for you. It’s as simple as that.
Sure, you may be anxious that the machine will damage your great hardwood floors, but I assure you they are not. We have machine featuring the state of art technology, Sterll električni pomivalec tal uses powerful gentle technology to wash away all those dirt and grime from your floors leaving no streaks behind. It is built to be very gentle with your floors, so you can rest assured that they are secure and unscathed. With our machine, you can assure that there will be no scratch or marks.
Have kids and animals ransacking the place all day long? The truth is, we can all relate to how hard life gets at times and juggling the other 101 things on your plate prevents you from sweeping up every minute of every day so don't feel bad if your floors are suffering with crumbs. This is why our hardwood floor washing machine for home use makes sense in a busy house. The Gearbox also cleans up fast, really well off the kart so you can get back to hanging out with your family instead of cleaning. Our Sterll floor washing machine commercial will keep your house clean in less time.
Garancijska doba za opremo je zagotovo celih dvanajst mesecev. Garancijska doba za litijeve baterije je 3 leta. Video podpora, ki je zagotovo tehnična, poleg tega pa se stroj po potrebi prepelje na ugleden servis. Poprodajna podpora je na voljo v 7-10 dneh, ki delujejo glede na značaj, povezan z problem.
Imamo več tovornih dolgotrajnih zadrug, ki zagotavljajo varne, priročne in poceni storitve tovornega prometa. Ljubitelji smo iz več kot 50 narodov po vsem svetu. Vedno smo partnerji, ki iščemo nove, zato nenehno širimo ponudbeno podjetje.
Primarni poudarek podjetja je orodje, ki je vsekakor čistilno. Trenutno je poleg ODM mogoče najti naše izdelke, ki so primarni avtomatski pomivalni stroji za tla, pometači, čistilci tal, freze za sneg itd. OEM.
Brezkrtačni motor s trajnim magnetom z izjemno regulacijo hitrosti, splošna zmogljivost je podobna zmogljivosti enosmernega motorja. Komutacijska tehnična naprava enosmernega motorja je nagnjena k iskrenju, ima slabo kakovost in majhna razmerja. Ta motor lahko med temi napakami in funkcijami doseže vrhunsko zmogljivost, lahek in zelo dolgo življenjsko dobo. Deloval je več kot 8 dolgo časa.