A Walk-Behind Floor Cleaner is An exclusive machine that use to clean your floors. Simple and easy to use, robust. The purpose of this Sterll elektriska golvrengöringsmedel machine is to make cleaning easy for you.
However, cleaning floors can be back-breaking work and very time-statutory if you have a large space or more than one room to clean. However, when it comes to a walk-behind floor cleaner, you need not be doing all the works alone. Most of the hard work is done for you by THE MACHINE! It needs no more than direction. The little scrubbing brushes on the bottom spin around at a high rate of speed and they scrub all that dirt out. Sterll automatisk skurmaskin is like magic when you realize how much cleaner your floors can be. This excellent feature makes sure that you do not get tired, and the slightest dust does away with too quickly or easily.
A walk-behind floor cleaner is an easy solution when it comes to cleaning floors quickly. This Sterll elektrisk golvtvätt machine is much faster in terms of space coverage, meaning you can clean quickly and go back to enjoying other activities too. It can work either new or old floors because the brush wire in bottom is very hard and strong. Which is why this walk-behind floor cleaner is great for large, messy cleaning jobs that would require hours or days to do by hand.
So you can cleanse the floor more deeply by using a walk-behind floor cleaner for every necessary cleaning. This are great dusting brushes it has slim design that even the smallest places in your car can be reached just perfect to make sure not a spot missed. The machine also comes with a fill tank feature that keeps the floor cleaning solution as you clean. This is all part of the cleaning solution, and it helps to break up dirt and grime making everything easier for your brushes to clean away. This gives you the peace of mind knowing that your floors are getting bad ass clean.
Det primära fokus för företaget är utrustning som definitivt en utrensning. För närvarande kan våra produkter som är primära golvtvättar, sopmaskiner, golvstädare, snöfläktar etc. OEM förutom ODM också hittas.
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Hela enhetens garanti är en 12 månaders garanti. Batterigarantin för litiumelektriska batterier är tre år. Garantin i samband med chassi är på 5 år.Teknisk support via videoklipp finns vilket innebär att enheten transporteras lika mycket som en service ansedd om det skulle kunna förutses. Eftermarknadsservice avslutas inom 7-10 dagar och fungerar enligt problemet.