A commercial floor buffer is an industrial grade machine that helps you clean your floors in a fast and efficient way. Its powerful brushes spin at very high revolutions, moving dirt and grime away from your floors It is heavy-duty machine which will work effectively to clean floors in busy places like restaurants, warehouses and factories where dirt can accumulate quickly.
The old way of cleaning floors is a tiring task and time taking. In other words, you might need a mop and a bucket of water along with some cleaning solution. It can be a very long and painstaking process and it is still possible that you will not get the clean result as much as you want.
Cleaning floors really is not that bad with a heavy duty floor scrubber though! Just one machine and you can handle your flooring easily. This machine more difficult brush and remove the most stubborn stains that have been seated, so you do not regard judges from now. The good thing about it is that because the device was made with simplicity in mind, anyone can do cleaning even if they had no past experience washing floors.
A heavy duty scrubber is necessary if you have a business with lots of square footage and floors to clean. The methods of these washers make the work faster and better towards maintenance a graceful pretty place.
A heavy duty scrubber can clean a lot of floor area in no time at all and it does an excellent task too. Which means you will have more time to dedicate on other tasks and not thinking about how clean your floors are. Such an excellent way to leverage your time and effort!
The stiff brushes on a heavy duty scrubber are more than enough to handle the difficult stains. This can already be seen from the sleek surface - scrubbed free of dirt and grime, your floors will look as good new. No more hours on your hands and knees, scrubbing (this can become quite tireseome after a while). If you find yourself with hundreds of tags to go through, forget it and have the machine do all that hard work for you!
Overall though, it is a great option for cleaning big messes. This machine is suitable for high traffic stores, warehouses and any facility with hard floors that are in need of regular maintenance or heavy-duty cleaning.
Záručná doba na zariadenie je určite celých dvanásť mesiacov. Záručná doba na lítiové batérie je 3 roky. Video podpora, ktorá je určite technicky k dispozícii, okrem toho je stroj v prípade potreby prepravený renomovaným servisom. Popredajná podpora je ponúkaná do 7-10 dní, ktoré fungujú s ohľadom na charakter spojený s problém.
Permanentný magnet motora je bezkomutátorový a môže ovládať rýchlosť podobnou rýchlosťou ako jednosmerný motor. Mechanický komutačný systém jednosmerného motora je ohrozený iskrami, má skutočne nízku kvalitu a rozmery rozhodne málo. Tento bezkomutátorový motor prekonáva tieto nedostatky a poskytuje vysokú účinnosť, nízku hmotnosť a dlhú životnosť. Bol v prevádzke dlhšie ako 8 rokov, čo je veľa.
Ponúkame množstvo dlhodobého nákladu, ktorý rozhodne družstvo, ktoré poskytuje lacnú, bezpečnú a spoľahlivú prepravu. Máme partnerstvá vo viac ako 50 krajinách po celom svete. Okrem toho chceme rozšíriť naše podnikanie v dodávateľskom reťazci, preto vždy privítame úplne nových milovníkov, ktorí by sa k nám chceli pridať.
Hlavným zameraním podniku je čistenie ozubených kolies. Naše položky, ktorými sú existujúce umývačky podláh, čističe podláh, zametacie stroje, snehové frézy atď. OEM a ODM nájdete.