Keeping your hardwood floors clean doesn't have to be backbreaking labor. This is where our hardwood floor scrubber can help a great deal. The powerful suction motor makes it an accelerator for cleaning the floors easily and this is a time-saving option as well without any extra effort.
Even a little dirt and grime will dull up your hardwood floors. But don’t worry! Our scrubber is built to eliminate all that grime effortlessly. It uses its powerful bristle to brush dirt and dust, but it also has a very strong vacuum that cleans all sucked up! Your FLOORS will LOOK NEW AGAIN I have seen it and you will be in awe.
Your hardwood floors were a good investment for your home and we want to make sure that they look nice all of the time so you hired professional Wood Floor Cleaning in White City, SK. We Take Care of Your FloorsThis cleaner is designed to be gentle on your floors so they do not get harmed and can last for years to come. This mop works with unique sanitizing pads, which are tested safe for your floors as it avoids you from having streaks on the floor where dust and dirt stay using non-harmful cleaning compounds that remove stains but do not damage sensitive materials. This will ensure that your floors continue to look great and be as shiny, clean.
Occupied households will always be subjected to spills and stains. But don’t worry! Our hardwood floor scrubber allows you to clean up any spills or stains with little effort. The strong motor and suction make it ideal for cleaning up the filthiest of messes, leaving your floors looking neat and clean again. This means no more stress about spills on your juice, or messy paw prints of the family pet!
The hardwood floor scrubber we have works great and incredibly easy to use. Being compact and light, it is easy to carry from room to room during cleaning. Capacity: With a powerful motored suction, it takes less effort to clean the floors. So you can clean less and enjoy pristinely looking floors more!
Záručná doba na zariadenie určite celý jeden rok. Záručná doba na lítiové batérie je 3 roky. Poskytujeme technickú pomoc vo formáte videoklipu, ako aj prepravu zariadenia, ktorá je v prípade potreby určite seriózna. Popredajné riešenie je hotové do 7-10 dní, ktoré je možné jednoducho práca na základnom kameni súvisiacom s problémom.
Bezkartáčový magnet je stály v polohe, ktorá riadi rýchlosť presne na rovnakom stupni ako jednosmerný motor. Mechanická metóda komutácie jednosmerného motora je náchylná na iskry a má primeranú spoľahlivosť a veľkosť je určite malá. Motor tieto problémy odstraňuje a poskytuje vysokú účinnosť, nízku hmotnosť a dlhú životnosť. Od výrazne viac ako 8 rokov.
Ponúkame množstvo dlhodobých nákladných družstiev, ktoré ponúkajú lacné, bezpečné a efektívne riešenia nákladnej dopravy. Spolupracujeme s viac ako 50 krajinami po celom svete. Naša spoločnosť je partnermi, ktorí sa vždy snažia o rozšírenie nášho odvetvia dodávateľských reťazcov.
Hlavnou činnosťou spoločnosti je čistenie zariadení. Naše položky, ktorými sú hlavné zametacie stroje, umývačky podláh, čističe podláh a snehové frézy. Sme schopní dodávať OEM a ODM, ako aj iné produkty.