With all that dirt its hard for anyone to keep a sweep going and your work will go back slowly back if there is no action taen on maintenance. These wonderful machines are built to clean floors both efficiently and quickly, keeping your space looking neat all day long. This Sterll električni čistači podova will cut your scrubbing and cleaning down to minutes instead of hours.
Walk behind floor machines are revolutionising how we keep our spaces clean. They do it that much faster than you would by hand, cleaning your floors in half the time. Hand scrubbing floors is a time-consuming and arduous task. But only on these Sterll električna perilica podova you will be able to do it quickly and efficiently. They take the pain out of cleaning and make it easy to have fun doing chores!
Your floors are no longer sealed: You can rest easy and stop scouring your floors by hand Walkbehind floor machines are perfect for cleaning without the fuss. Just think how convenient it is to not need to break your back bending over and scrubbing the floor on all fours! These Sterll automatski čistač are easy to operate since they do the work for you, giving you more time doing other stuff that is enjoyable. You can spend time with family, read a few books and play games that you love because you now have the briefcase.
Walk behind floor machines make it easy to achieve a really clean degreased flooring. These are user-friendly modern machines even if you do not have cleaning or any experience using a power washer. No need to work buttons or complex configurations. All you need to do is press it forward, and it will clean your areas for you! You might be shocked with how white your floors can get without any effort from you.
Magnet bez četkica trajno je u poziciji da upravlja brzinom na točno istom stupnju kao i DC motor. Mehanička metoda komutacije istosmjernog motora osjetljiva je na iskre i razumnu je pouzdanost, a veličina je definitivno malena. Motor bez četkica rješava te probleme i pruža visoku učinkovitost, malu težinu i izdržljiv životni vijek. Od znatno više od 8 godina.
Garancija na cijeli uređaj je sigurno 12 mjeseci. Jamstvo na baterije za litijeve električne baterije je tri godine. Jamstvo u vezi s kućištem je 5 godina. Tehnička podrška putem video isječka postoji što znači da se uređaj transportira onoliko koliko je renomiran servis ako se to očekuje. Servis nakon prodaje je gotov u roku od 7-10 dana radeći u skladu s problemom.
Imamo dugoročnu teretnu suradnju koja pruža sigurne, pouzdane i pristupačne usluge tereta. Imamo partnere u puno više od 50 zemalja diljem svijeta. Dodatno proširujemo naš niz opskrbe i stalno pozdravljamo partnere, a tome se mogu pridružiti novi.
Oprema za čišćenje primarna je tvrtka naše tvrtke. Ovi proizvodi mogu biti primarni automatski perači podova, usisavači, čistači, čistači snijega i tako dalje. U mogućnosti smo isporučiti OEM uz ODM, kao i druge proizvode.