Sick of that mop and bucket routine for your tile floors? Looking for an easier solution when it comes to keeping your floors clean and shiny? Well, good news! Well, this is where our awesome new tile cleaning machine comes in. It will help take the stress off of cleaning, so that you can enjoy other activitiesmoil this way.
Let's face it, cleaning tile floors is a real drag and if you have a big area then that can mean hours of hard work. Those tiles need scrubbing, and then you have to keep rinsing the soap out of your mop bucket. This is time-consuming and can result in postural strain on the back, knees. It can feel very tiring!
Well, guess what You don'[t have to do that hard work any longer with our new tile floor cleaning machine. All you have to do is fill the water tank, switch on the machine and it will give clean unto thee. It works quickly and effectively, so you do not have to get down on your hands knees to deep clean the floors.
Our tile floor cleaner machine is really something else. That assistant is always there to help in cleaning, as you have the whole army of cleaners at home. With unique technology and great suction power, it tackles hard spots and dirt on your tiles effectively. You'll be surprised how good it is.
If you have been fed up with periodically scrubbing your floors and still not making it look like lonnie, its time to give something new a chance. So, you could be one step closer to making the right decision of buying a tile floor cleaner machine. This solution is powerfully effective and simple to use. Above: Cleaning is so much easier you won't believe it!
Finally, clean shiny floors with no scrubbing -- only possible with our machine! The ideal choice for those who want their tile floors always remain clean but do not have the patience to consistently be mopping it by hand. After our machine, your floors will be ultra clean and white as a ghost wagging his sheet tail in the midnight forest.
Not only does our tile floor cleaning machine do the job of making your floors cleaner, it also acts to sanitize them. This uses premium technology to ensure that your floors are spotless and germ free. This is a tool, and an ideal one at that — for anyone looking to help care for their home in the best way possible while also making sure it stays as safe (and healthy) of an environment as can be.
Imamo brojne trajne teretne kooperacije koje pružaju sigurne, učinkovite i jeftine teretne usluge. Imamo ljubavnike u više od 50 nacija diljem svijeta. Oduvijek smo bili ljubitelji koji traže novosti i aktivno proširuju našu ponudu.
Magnet bez četkica ima stalnu kontrolu brzine kroz istu količinu kao i DC motor. Nadilazi nedostatke komutacijske iskre, također smanjenu pouzdanost zbog komutacijske mehanike povezane s istosmjernim motorom, te ima visoku učinkovitost rada i veličinu koja je definitivno mala. Uz to ima malu tjelesnu težinu i vrlo dug vijek trajanja. Dulje od 8 godina.
Trajanje jamstva za robu je definitivno cijela jedna godina. Jamstveni rok za litijeve baterije je tri godine. Jedinica je podržana tehničkom podrškom putem videa. Uređaj se može odnijeti u stalni ovlašteni servisni centar ako je potrebno. Servis je gotov za 7-10 radnih dana na temelju problema.
Sredstva za čišćenje mogla bi biti glavni posao tvrtke. Naši artikli su primarni čistači usisavači i čistači snijega. OEM uz ODM dodatno će biti lako dostupan.