Let's face it you have to scrub those floors at home by hand most of time, which is not only tiring but also dirty. It can be quite a process to clean every nook and cranny. Ever hear of a long handle floor scrubber? This is a one of a kind tool that turns mopping the floor from unbearably boring to tolerable for everyone, irrespective on what age they belong.
A long handle floor scrubber comes with a very nice way to clean that is by having it attached at the end of a long handle and padding. That innovative design means no more stooping or kneeling to clean your floors. You can instead stand upright and mop the floors without any problem at all!
You have to bend over quite a bit when cleaning floors by hand. This leads to a variety of aches and pains, as well as the bending & stooping that strains your back and makes you feel old. Well not with a long handle floor scrubber, then you can clean your floors without pain in the back! Since the handle is long enough for you to scrub with it while standing completely upright, your back will hurt far less. This is ideal for cleaning your property at any time without worrying about injuring yourself!
Those hardened dirt and stainsSymbolsno reallya get difficult to clean. Keep them together, they adheres to the ground quite well. Things work occupy impossible place in there which you can simply wash, even more with the help of long handle floor scrubber. The scrub pad of the product is such that it cleans dirt from stains and effectively. You can even work with your favored cleaning product, to provide an added degree of clean. With this nifty device, your floors will be as good as new!
Cleaning large flat surfaces by hand can be very time consuming. You might feel exhausted, and considering to quit. However, when you have a long handle floor scrubber at your disposal, cleaning large floors is time saving easy! A longer handle means that you will be able to cover more area with every stroke, thus cleaning the floors in no time. You further clean greater areas more effectively with a back and forth motion. Your work will complete sooner and more of your time can be spent in other activities.
It takes working physically to keep your flooring clean, but with a long handled floor scrubber it actually can be fun!!! It is also a tool that can be used by children who want to put their aggregator content in the corner. Simply affix the scrubbing pad to the long handle, dunk it into a bucket of your cleaning solution and beat feet. It can be done while standing up, and to clean huge area in less period.
Магнитният постоянен двигател има отлично цялостно регулиране на скоростта, подобно на DC двигател. Той преодолява недостатъците на комутационните искри, в допълнение към намалената надеждност, причинена от механичния комутационен механизъм на DC двигатели, и ще предлага голяма ефективност при работа и малък размер. Освен това има малко мазнини и има много дълъг живот. В експлоатация е повече от 8 години.
Ключът към фокуса на цялата компания е почистването на съоръженията. Тези артикули, които са основни подови настилки, автоматични перални машини, прахосмукачки, чистачки, снегорини и т.н. Намерени са OEM и ODM.
Година - продължителността на гаранцията за целия продукт. Продължителността на гаранцията за комплекти литиеви батерии е 36 месеца. Оборудването се поддържа от филмова помощ, която определено може да бъде предоставена техническа помощ в упълномощен център за решение, ако е необходимо. Услугата може да бъде завършена за 7-10 работни дни въз основа на проблема.
Ние предлагаме гама от дълготрайни товарни кооперации, които осигуряват евтин, безопасен и лесен товар. Много повече от 50 държави обикновено са сред нашите любители. Освен това се опитваме да увеличим нашата компания за предлагане на низове и непрекъснато приветстваме любителите и това може да е желание чисто нов да се присъедини към нашите редици.