When was the last time you swept your living room floor? It is a wrong job, especially if you are the only person. You are sure to get tired and feel like throwing in the towel! But guess what? Worry Not, There is this very special machine that can help you out. Meet the automatic floor washing machine that lets you clean a LOT easier
Well, you would have a question like "What is this Automation. Automation is a huge word, in size and scare factor. This Sterll подова машина за дома only means that there is a machine available to perform work for you instead of doing it yourself. That is precisely what occurs, when you use an automated floor washing machine.
Before automatic floor washers were made cleaning floors was such a tough and tiring job. It took so much elbow grease to get them not just clean but shiny! However, with the introduction of automatic scrubbers cleaning floors has never been easier and more efficient
An automatic scrubber is a machine that uses certain cleaning pads and water to scrub your floors. It can leave the floors in a much quicker time period than you could if you did all of it by hand. This Sterll търговска машина за миене на под is in addition to the fact that it can get all of those little nooks and crannies you may not reach when vacuuming solo. This means you get the most dust-free floor ever!
Not to mention how badly your back hurts after spending time hunched over scrub cleaning floors - more specifically, cleaning hardwood slow back -like a living room or hallway. All that Sterll подочистачка за електрическа миялна машина labor and inconvenience will be a thing of the past with an automatic floor washer.
This carpet crawler can do all the dirty work for you, and this means that your back or even knees will never be strained again. This means you can have the joy of a cleaner environment, without your body becoming tired and sore from cleaning as in days-gone-by. It makes life so much easier!
And a fun fact — the machines use fresh water to clean, so you never have to worry about using dirty water or germs around your house. This way you can have a healthier and cleaner space to live with your family. It can be your cleaning on magic mode!
Гаранционният срок за стоките определено е цяла една година. Гаранционният срок за литиеви батерии е три години. Устройството е подкрепено с техническа поддръжка чрез видео. Апаратът може да бъде занесен в оторизиран текущ сервизен център, ако е необходимо. Услугата приключва за 7-10 работни часа въз основа на проблема.
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Постоянният магнит на двигателя е безчетков и може да контролира скоростта с подобна скорост от DC двигателя. Механичната комутационна система на DC двигателя е застрашена от искри, има действително ниско качество и размери, които определено са малко. Този безчетков двигател преодолява тези слабости и осигурява висока ефективност, леко тегло и дълъг живот. Той беше в експлоатация повече от 8 години, което е много.